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Computational periporomechanics for localized failure and multiphysics of deforming porous media

发布人:王敏发布时间:2024-11-14 分享:


This talk presents a recently developed novel periporomechanics paradigm for modeling localized failure (e.g., shear banding) and multi-physics (e.g., solid deformation and pore fluid flow) in continuous/fracturing geomaterials. Periporomechanics (PPM) is a nonlocal formulation of classical continuum poromechanics through the notions of effective force and peridynamic state. The governing equations are integral-differential equations in lieu of partial differential equations. The stabilized constitutive correspondence principle has been formulated to incorporate advanced inelastic constitutive models for geomaterials in PPM. As a novelty, progressive failure and cracking of porous media can occur naturally following the governing equations and constitutive models without a prior criterion. Both total and updated Eulerian-Lagrangian meshless and implicit/explicit fractional-step methods have been used to numerically implement this nonlocal multiphysics paradigm in space and time for high-performance computing. Numerical examples will be presented to demonstrate the robustness and efficacy of this new PPM paradigm in modeling localized failure, large deformation, and multiphysics in geomaterials, which have practical applications in coastal, energy, environmental, and hazard geotechnics.


Dr. Song is an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the University of Florida and a licensed PE (Florida). He holds a PhD from Stanford University, an MS from Georgia Institute of Technology, and a BS from Tongji University, all in civil engineering. Song’s research interests lie in computational, theoretical, and physical modeling of instability, fracture, and multi-physics of variably saturated geomaterials harnessing HPC, remote and fiber optic sensing, 3D printing, AI/ML/DL/DT, large-scale soil-box and geo-centrifuge testing, and wind tunnel testing. His research has been supported by NSF, FDOT, and UF HiPerGator supercomputer, including an NSF CAREER award on computational unsaturated geomechanics. He serves on the ASCE Geo-Institute (GI) Board-Level Technical Publications Committee and the Secretary of the GI Shallow Foundations Committee. He is an associate editor/editorial board member of several high-impact journals, including the Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, and Computers and Geotechnics.
