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Modelling Multiphase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media

发布人:王敏发布时间:2024-05-21 分享:


Various forms of heterogeneity can be observed in porous media and are shown to determine the multiphase interactions in the pore space. Here, we will discuss the combined effects of wettability and structural heterogeneities. We will also emphasis on materials with hierarchical structures, including electrode materials in batteries, fibrous membranes in PEM fuel cells, and fractured rocks in geothermal extraction, which are generally composed of two components with distinct characteristic length scales. To this end, we utilise numerical models to capture the interface dynamics and to model the fluid displacement processes in porous materials with variable pore structure and sizes. We emphasise the following aspects: how such heterogeneous pore structures influence fluid-fluid displacement, and most importantly, to what extent the immiscible fingering can be suppressed and controlled through tailored design of microstructure. To characterise fingering dynamics in heterogeneous porous materials, we provide phase diagrams unifying the coupled contributions from pore structure, wettability and flow conditions. Our study provides an alternative mechanism for controlling the temporal and spatial distribution of fluid phases within porous materials for specific applications, e.g., increased storage efficiency in underground gas storage.


Yixiang Gan (甘益翔),澳大利亚悉尼大学土木学院副院长(主管外事),纳米研究中心(Sydney Nano Institute)副主任。2008年在德国卡尔斯鲁尔理工学院(KIT)取得工程科学博士学位,论文成绩达到德国最高荣誉(summa cum laude)。随后在 KIT从事近两年的博士后研究工作。2010年加入悉尼大学土木学院,获得终身教职,逐级晋升到副教授。期间,受到多所国际顶尖大学和研究机构邀请进行访问研究和长期合作,其中包括法国巴黎路桥学院(Ecole des Ponts)和英国牛津大学(Oxford)等。研究方向主要包括颗粒材料和多孔介质的力学和物理问题,关注材料和细观结构的非均质,以及多相和多物理场特性。应用方向包括新能源和可持续建筑材料领域。2010年开始,主持澳洲和国际研究项目总金额超过三百万澳元,共发表国际期刊论文150余篇,培养博士后、博士和硕士研究生三十余人。