尹振宇,香港理工大学土木与环境工程系副教授。兼任美国土木工程师协会“粒状材料专业委员会”委员,欧洲土木与环境期刊副主编、多本国际期刊编委(加拿大土工、日本土工、IJOM-ASCE、Geotechnique Letters、Acta Geotechnica、Transportation Geotechnics等),主要从事岩土工程教学和科研工作,近年来在国际核心刊物上发表SCI论文190余篇,WoS的H指数为38。主要研究方向有:土体宏微观特性及本构关系、岩土工程大变形数值分析、人工智能在岩土工程中的应用。
This work deals with the response of caisson foundations in sand for offshore wind turbines submitted to combined monotonic and cyclic loadings. First, the failure process and failure envelope (or bearing capacity diagram) of a caisson foundation in sand under combined monotonic loadings is numerically investigated. A Combined Lagrangian-Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (CLSPH) method is adopted to consider large deformation. A recently developed critical state model for sand (SIMSAND) is then introduced and combined with the CLSPH method. Different parameters affecting the shape and size of the failure envelope are considered, such as soil density and stiffness, friction strength, grain breakage, geometry and aspect ratio of the foundation. An analytical formula is introduced to describe the 3D failure surface reproducing the numerical results. Based on the proposed analytical formula, a macro-element for the caisson foundation in sand submitted to monotonic and cyclic loadings is finally developed within the framework of hypoplasticity. Validation is provided through comparison with experimental results.